13 ways to avoid getting scammed.

  1. Don’t pay more than $20 for advice. (That’s about the cost of a book.)
  2. Never give someone money with the assumption that they’ll give you more money in return.
  3. Ignore all backstories. If someone is trying very hard to convince you that their product is a good deal, especially if they have an elaborate backstory, it is not a good deal.
  4. The more pressure a salesman is putting on you, the more of a ripoff it is.
  5. Never buy anything in the hopes that the salesperson will like you or because a salesperson is kind to you.
  6. Ignore the “original price” when you see an item on sale. It’s probably bullshit.
  7. If you see a valuable item way below market value, it’s either a fake, stolen, or it’s not getting sent to you.
  8. Don’t trust exotic investments with promises of insanely high returns. You’re either giving your money to a con-artist or an idiot.
  9. When you’re feeling desperate, be especially careful. Bad emotions lead to stupid purchases.
  10. Many positive reviews are fake, so only trust negative reviews. If the product or service is legitimate, its negative reviews will still reveal that it’s real. The customer just wasn’t happy with it.
  11. Don’t buy anything because of a time pressure. Scarcity leads to stupid purchases.
  12. Nothing is a miracle cure. There is no “magic formula.” You have not stumbled upon some amazing secret.
  13. If you’re asking yourself “is this a scam?” …it’s probably a scam.