Debra Crawshaw Crypto Trading is a SCAM. Here’s why.

The DEBRA CRAWSHAW Trading Program Scam: Beware of Fake Promises on YouTube

In the murky waters of YouTube’s cryptocurrency comments, the DEBRA CRAWSHAW Trading Program stands out as a dangerous scam. This scheme, promoting an individual named Debra Crawshaw as an expert crypto trader, claims to turn 1.5 BTC into over 9 BTC in just 6 weeks. Here’s how it works and why it’s fraudulent.

How It Works

  1. Posting Fake Comments: Scammers spam YouTube comments with testimonials like the following

    Great analysis! The FOMO in the crypto market is shaping a dynamic investing landscape. Remember, every moment is an opportunity [...] I've seen this firsthand, turning 1.5 BTC into over 9 BTC in just 6 weeks with insights from Debra Crawshaw.

    Additional comments from different users build on this narrative, directing victims to contact Crawshaw on Telegram, touting her as a pro, and praising her as the best signal provider in the market.
  2. Providing Contact Information: The comments include a directive to reach out to Debra Crawshaw via her Telegram username, setting the stage for direct communication.
  3. Gaining Trust: Once contacted, the scammer will attempt to build trust, often through manipulative and convincing responses.
  4. Requesting an Investment: Eventually, the victim is asked to invest in the DEBRA CRAWSHAW Trading Program, with the promise of astonishing returns.
  5. Stealing Funds: After the investment is made, Debra Crawshaw, or whoever is behind this facade, vanishes with the funds.

    FAKE COMMENTS, FAKE “TRADER,” FAKE EVERYTHING. Send this scammer money, and it’s all gone!

Why It’s a Scam

  1. Unrealistic Promises: The promised returns are not only improbable but impossible to guarantee, given the volatile nature of the crypto market.
  2. Lack of Verifiable Credentials: There’s no tangible evidence that Debra Crawshaw has any real trading expertise or even exists.
  3. No Regulation: This operation occurs outside of regulated platforms, providing no accountability or legal recourse.
  4. Manipulative Comments: The scam employs an orchestrated network of fake comments to give an impression of legitimacy and success. The praises and endorsements are fabricated to entice victims.


The DEBRA CRAWSHAW Trading Program scam is an insidious trap, luring unsuspecting investors with fake comments and false promises. As with many scams, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Never engage with these types of unsolicited offers. Always perform diligent research and consult with trusted financial advisors before making any investment decisions. The safety of your investments lies in your hands. Stay vigilant.
