Does Simple Pickup Work? No, It Does Not.

Rip-Off Rating: 2 “snake oils” out of 5


What We Recommend Instead:

Tao of Badass – More “varied” approach to female psychology. Increases your self-respect. Men who tried it liked it better.

Simple Pickup treats all women the same and tries to get you to approach them creepily in the middle of their day. This “shotgun” approach of approaching women on the street is not what most men want and is extremely uncomfortable. Tao of Badass works for all types of women and can be done anywhere, not just in public. It’s based on reading her personality and having a deeper understanding of the girl. It also increases your sense of self-respect, and doesn’t have you running around spouting pickup lines. We think you’ll see better results with it.


A look at Simple Pickup and their videos.

Is Simple Pickup A Scam?

The videos seem promising. Simple Pickup shows men saying ridiculous things to women on the street, and they seem to laugh, enjoy it, and even give out their phone numbers.

In other videos they are seen making out with girls almost in seconds.

If you’re a horny guy looking to hook up with women, is Simple Pickup the secret?

Not really.


1. They are most successful with drunk women on the street.

Simple Pickup could be called: talk to drunk girls.

One member, Jesse, confessed that the high success rate is due to the fact that “the girls are drunk.” They go to areas lined with bars and purposely target drunk girls.

While interacting with a drunk girl in a playful and ridiculous way on the street can bring you immediate gratification, it doesn’t bring you much more than that. Which leads me to number 2…


2. Getting a number doesn’t get you laid.

The biggest problem with Simple Pickup is that it explains how to get numbers. And that’s it.

Their approach is get as many numbers as you can.

The problem with this is that numbers are only 1/100th of the puzzle when it comes to attraction.

If you’re a guy and you don’t know what to do with the number, you aren’t going to get any results with women.


3. Women act differently when there’s a camera.

Even if the girls aren’t “planted,” chances are they are enjoying the attention of the camera and reacting more positively because of it.

In reality, you’re not going to be shooting a video for a YouTube audience. You’re going to be going about your day to day life. You are attracted to the girl in your office, your neighbor, your friend.

Most men need a way of better understanding and interacting with women daily. Not just how to hit on drunk girls on the street.


4. It’s not helpful at all for every day situations.

Simple Pickup just tells you silly lines to say confidently, and gives you tips on how to be more fashionable.

Truth is, if you want to get better at dating, you need to get better at regular day-t0-day interactions. And you need to get better at reading and understanding women. The “one-size-fits-all” approach isn’t going to work for most men.

Simple Pickup does have some good tips if you’re interested in the cold approach. But that kind of interaction is uncomfortable and often doesn’t lead to anything for most men. Most men want a way to get better at interacting with the women they see day to day.


If you want to see the methodology we recommend most, check it out here. Again, if you want to just pick up girls on the street, grab a camera and try Simple Pickup.  If you actually want to get better at interacting with women day to day, we recommend something else entirely.
